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To qualify for the C4 scheme you need to live inside the M25 area and:
be in receipt of any of the following means-tested benefits: universal credit, income support, housing benefit, council tax benefit, pension credit, income-based Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), income-based Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA), working tax credits and child tax credit
or have a household annual income of less than £25,000 before tax
or be feeding 1 or 2 isolated stray or feral cats which are not part of a larger colony and where you have already made sure the cat is not someone's pet
The C4 scheme cannot be used for the neutering of cats in the care of, or adopted out by an animal charity or rescue group: Please refer back to the rescue group concerned who are responsible for funding the surgery.​​​
The scheme is delivered through a number of private veterinary practices and some charity veterinary clinics. If you qualify, you will be asked to pay £10 per cat directly to the veterinary clinic, and the remainder will be paid by us directly to the clinic concerned. The scheme covers neutering, microchipping, pain relief and a Buster (lampshade) collar for the cat. Clicking on the boxes below will take you to our vet list where the phone numbers and websites are listed. You can find out more about how to use the scheme here

Clicking any of these boxes will take you to the right part of our list for the area in London where you live, but are free to use any C4 veterinary practice even if it's not in the part of the list highlighted, as long as the veterinary practice is happy for you to access the scheme through them.